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Small-Group Projects

Our program provides large group, small group and individual activities with a mixture of teacher directed and child chosen activities. Instruction is based on children’s individual needs, interests, strengths and learning styles. Topics of study are theme based and based on the interests of the children as well. Our developmental appropriate activities and materials help the students make sense of the world around them through a playful, challenging and rewarding program.


Child Assessment

To assess children’s development and growth, we use the creative curriculum “GOLD” Assessment. Assessment is an integral part of the program and guides the work we do with each child. Each lead teacher and much of the support staff have been trained and participate in ongoing training in the use and implementation of the Creative Curriculum. The purposes of assessment are 1) to identify the needs, interests, skills and abilities of the children enrolled. 2) to compare the developmental progress of the child to the Developmental Continuum ( Creative Curriculum) 3) to use the information gathered to share with the parents and to inform the curriculum and preparation of the learning environment.

As much as possible assessment information is gathered in a naturalistic (classroom) environment and on demand testing is reserved for limited usage. The assessment tool utilized is the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum(which assures continuity between classroom curriculum and assessment). Our Assessment process is multifaceted and includes: the individual Child Profile (checklist) and Child Progress and Planning Report, individual portfolio notebooks and journals hold sample work, photos and observations of each child; anecdotal records and other teacher created and Creative Curriculum assessment forms. The portfolios and journals are readily available in the classrooms for parents to view at any time. Anecdotal records, teacher notes and the Developmental Continuum forms are secured to protect the privacy of the family. These records are only available to the Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Director and parents. All assessment information is shared and discussed with parents during conferences in January and May when the family is offered the opportunity to also contribute comments and observations and individualized goals are established. Any parent interested in seeing copies of the Developmental continuum and Child Progress and Planning Report may do so by requesting a copy from the Director. If there are concerns about the form or technique used for Child Assessment please contact the Director. In the event of Special Needs Issues, modifications to the assessment techniques may be implemented in order to best meet the needs of the individual child.​

Developmental Milestones of Children Ages Four to Five

One of the greatest joys in our life is seeing our children’s first milestones. Words are not enough for how happy we will be when we witness them. We will just be surprised that our calm children will soon have full of energy, curiosity, drive, aggressiveness, bossiness, and a tremendous stream of imaginative ideas that come from their young minds and mouths when they reach the age of four or five.

These changes in behavior and thinking are all part of the necessary process of child development that will help our kids in creating a strong foundation as they enter the kindergarten world. Let’s look at some of the following milestones our children achieve during this point in their lives.

  • Milestones in movement

    By this time, there will be significant improvements in their motor skills as they are expected to be able to stand using one foot for about 10 seconds or longer, do some hops or somersaults, and be able to swing and climb, and perhaps can skip.

  • Mental milestones

    Our kids will experience a big leap in their mental skills as by this time they will be able to count about 10 or more things, can say the right names of a minimum of four colors, comprehends better the idea of time, and begins to know the things that are utilized at home such as food, money, appliances, etc. As parents, teaching and facilitating our children to learn these things at home will give them a headstart.

  • Milestones in language

    Our children will now have the ability to recall some parts of a particular story, talk in sentences exceeding five words, utilizes the future tense, be able to tell stories that are longer, and is now capable of saying name and address. Preschools or daycare centers such as the daycare in Ohio teach and provide activities to further promote our kids’ language skills.

  • Milestones in social and emotional aspects

    There will be observable changes in our children in their social and emotional abilities and behavior. They will now begin to like pleasing their friends, want to be like their friends, agree to rules, love singing, dancing, and acting, start showing more independence, differentiate fantasy from reality, and can be demanding at times or enthusiastically cooperative. Aside from our homes, child care centers are perfect places for our kids to develop these skills.

At A Promising Tomorrow Early Care & Educational Center, we acknowledge the importance of these milestones for children and formulate our programs and apply methods and approaches that support their positive overall development. To know more about our Preschool in Toledo, Ohio, feel free to contact us.


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